Getting you out a quality (or so we think podcast) to the world for free isn't free by itself.
We currently don't pay our hosts and guest. It's all a labor of love, but in the real world, we do have to pay for things like:
- Website hosting
- Media hosting
- Recording gear
- Software
- Travel
- Conferences
- Promotional materials
- Give-aways for listeners
We appreciate all the help you can give us to keep Bringing on the Bliss.
Now that we've convinced you, here are some options:
Credit card
The easiest way is by using the button below. Paypal accepts all major credit cards, online cheques and obviously Paypal balances.
If you are within that 5% of the population geeky enough to handle bitcoins, you can donate anonymously using the links below. The bitcoin system allows anybody in the world to send money to anybody else, regardless of location or jurisdiction.
You can send it anonymously to: 1BtwhKem6ZfXjMPkPS79qgPaVLPxDKkUY8
Or you can use Coinbase, which makes it easier to get started!
If you have questions about bitcoin, don't ask us, ask the experts.