"Conservatives" watch more porn?

The moderately awesome "Bigger Love" blog points out:

A Harvard study has found that the reddest state in the nation, the state that many consider to be the most conservative, and one that constantly reminds everyone of it’s “family values” (like no one else has any but them) is also the largest consumer of subscription online pornography in the nation. That’s right: Utah.

In fact, 8 of the top 10 states are “Red States”, predominantly Conservative Republican states with “conservative Christian values”. The study concludes that those states that consume the most porn tend to be more conservative and religious than states with lower levels of consumption.

Towards the "uninitiated" this may seem like a contradiction or a funny coincidence.

However, think about this:
I was walking down the streets of New Orleans, during NiN09, with a couple of male friends. Every so often, somebody would try to talk us into visiting a strip club, by explaining what all wonders of "naked hotness" would await us inside.

I told him: "There is nothing in there to see that is hotter than what I did last night, and will probably do tonight. For free. Have a nice evening."